Tuesday 28 September 2010

Swot analysis

SWOT Analysis


  • I am able to learn new things very quickly and be able to use them straight away.
  • I can be focused during lectures and take on board what is being taught to me.

  • I can organise a group of friends for activities.
  • I can be relied on if a favour is asked of me and can be dependable
  • I can be optimistic even in bad times.

  • I am a very good team leader.
  • I can work well as part of a team.
  • I am a particularly good problem solver.


  • I can become distracted when not in a lecture/lesson e.g. working at home.
  • I can be known to leave finishing work before a deadline till the last minute
  • If a certain subject is not my favourite I can push it to the bottom of the pile.

  • I can have to many things going on a say yes to many people making my personal life more stressful.
  • I like to socialise so would put going out ahead of completing uni/job homework.

  • A speak my mind which in some cases is not the best thing for the business.
  • I can be very single track minded and not think broadly enough.
  • I can jump into a task/problem to quickly with out thinking it through properly.


  • By completing and doing well in courses I am taking may lead to me becoming chartered.
  • Gaining a larger overall engineering knowledge.

  • Be in a position to be able to buy a house.
  • I hope that I may receive pay rises from work which would mean I wouldn’t have to work overtime everyday meaning I would have more time in my personal life.

  •  I hope to receive a promotion and be in a managerial position.
  •  I feel as an apprentice it’s important to leave your company and work for someone else to gain a more varied work experience.


  • I worry that because I have taken a year out from education I may find some parts of the course hard to keep up.
  • Work is a large part of my life and can at time take up a lot of my time this may affect my course work.

  • Because of work and college commitments I worry that my social life may take a hit.

  • I worry that taking this course will hinder any possible promotions that may come up at my work.
  • I feel my lack of business knowledge can often mean im left out of discussions at work as I have a lack of input due to my lack of knowledge.


  1. Good analysis!
    I think apart from your educational progress you should take some time to consider how to tackle your worries with your employers about your promotional aspects of your employment.
